
Expert insights on charter school governance, charter school board roles, and the charter school CEO-board partnership.

“Board engagement consistently has become one of our primary challenges,” says one board member.

It is essential that your charter school board sets goals.

Having worked with over 500 charter school boards, here at BoardOnTrack we know that the most effective charter school organizations have a strong partnership between the Board and their CEO that is...

As you recruit board members, whether for a founding board or as you scale, it’s vital to assess the needs of the organization.

We often get questions about whether or not a CEO or founding leader should serve on the board after they leave their position, or if a student is a good candidate .

What are the common mistakes boards make when creating board goals? We’ve seen them all.

Has your board wrestled with the questions of what makes for an effective board trustee, or committee chair? Are you uncertain whether you all have the same understanding of the roles your board...

Board goals define how the board will add value to the organization this year. They’re the mutually agreed upon priorities that outline what will be accomplished, by when, and by whom. They should...

To drive exceptional results for kids, your organization needs an exceptional board.

Here’s a question that often falls into the “we don’t know what we don’t know” category for charter Boards and CEOs: Who’s responsible for which goals? Unfortunately, you might not think to ask...

Tired of begging people to fill spots on your board? Are you having to tap into your current network to quickly get a warm body in the seat? Chances are, warm bodies aren’t going to cut it. Each...

How often do you feel like your board is being pulled and pushed in too many directions at once? If your answer is, “too often,” if you wish you could help your board be more strategic and less...

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charter school governance indexWhat’s the state of charter school governance today?

Learn the six surprising trends revealed by this first-ever national charter school governance index.

Get the full report now