Upcoming & On-Demand Events

We regularly host online webinars and coaching sessions. Many sessions are open to all. Some are for BoardOnTrack members only.

On Demand Events

Board Engagement Unlocked: The Impact of Committees

Join us to learn why committees are the cornerstone to board engagement, how to create more impactful outcomes, and more.

January Reset – How Your Board Can Start the Year Strong!

Join us to learn how the first month of the year can set the stage for effective governance and strategic alignment.

From Good to Great: How Board Assessments Can Accelerate Board Effectiveness

Tune in to learn about the role that board composition can play and what helps get the job done, why board assessments can play a pivotal role in effectiveness, and more!

From Boardroom to Community: Engaging Stakeholders for Success

Tune in to learn how to maintain open communication, build trust, strengthen relationships, and foster collaborative decision-making!

Future-Proof Your Organization with Sound Financial Oversight

Tune in to learn about financial roles and responsibilities, implementing effective financial strategies, and monitoring and evaluating financial performance!

Impacting Academic Excellence: 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Board’s Potential

Tune in to discover the board's role in academic oversight and accountability, the best practices of highly effective boards to boost student achievement and more!

School Leadership & the Board: Building a Strong Partnership

Join us to discover the charter school leadership teams' role in board governance, learn about healthy partnerships, and gain tips for leveraging the board's expertise.

Beyond the Board: Elevating Governance with Collaboration

Join us to learn how to leverage key support staff for strong governance and empower team members as effective board liaisons.

Is your Secretary the Secret to Success?

In this session, we will highlight the key roles and responsibilities of the board secretary and clear up some of the most common misconceptions.

Financial Fitness: Building a Strong Foundation for Your Board’s Success

Join us to discover the importance of effective financial stewardship and gain practical tools for your organization's long-term sustainability.

Kicking-off the New Year Strong: How to Become a Board Chair Champion

Join us to learn why effective board leadership matters, explore core functions of Board Chairs & Vice-Chairs, and get insights on starting the year strong with essential tools.

Midyear CEO Evaluation – 3 Things You Should Know

Tune in to our on-demand session to learn the benefits of a midyear CEO evaluation, how to implement it, and how to avoid common mistakes.

Assessing Your Board for a Midyear Evaluation – 3 Critical Considerations

Tune in to our on-demand webinar to learn how to effectively run a midyear board evaluation.

Open Meeting Laws – The Essentials You Need to Know

Tune in to our on-demand session to learn how to simplify your charter school board's open meeting law compliance.

Recharging Your Board for the New School Year

Tune in to our on-demand webinar to learn how to keep your board members actively engaged and productive.

Need Some Charter School Fundraising Help?

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Dreaming Big – The Role of Your Development Committee

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

The Vital Role of the Academic Excellence Committee

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

CEO Support & Evaluation Committee

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Roles & Responsibilities of Your Finance Committee

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Need to Transform Your Board? It Starts with Your Governance Committee

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Committee Structure to Meet Your Organization's Changing Needs

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Strengthen Your Board - CEO Partnership

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Fix your Board Meetings, Strengthen your Board

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Committees not in Name Only

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Finding, Recruiting, and Onboarding New Board Members

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Engaging your Team and Ensuring Everyone is pulling their Weight

Tune in to our on-demand webinar with BoardOnTrack’s charter school governance experts.

Tools You Can Use: End of Year Charter School Leader Evaluation Simplified

In this session, we will answer all your questions about the importance and effectiveness of what a forward-looking process looks like.

The Do’s & Don’ts of Complying with Your State’s Open Meeting Law

In this session, we will introduce you to some charter school specific tools right at your finger tips to simplify your board’s compliance.

Strategically Recruit Outstanding Board Members

In this session, we will discuss the key skills, expertise, and demographic considerations that boards should use to recruit new board members strategically.

How to Simplify Open Meeting Law Compliance

Simplify your compliance practices, so you can spend more time making a difference at your school!

Be The First To Know About Upcoming Webinars, Coaching Sessions, And New Resources.


It’s time to pull back the curtain on charter school leader compensation.