Public Charter School Trustees
You want to be a great board. You want to do excellent work for the kids who count on you.
But, most charter board members are well-meaning volunteers who have little or no experience with public charter governance.
You’re dedicated enough to have read the books, gone to the conferences; maybe even gotten some on-site training. Still, you’re left with this feeling that your board could be doing more. You could be working better together.
BoardOnTrack was built for you.
What Would Be Different Without Your Board?
Not being able to answer this question is every board member’s secret fear.
Exceptional charter boards can answer this question without hesitation.
Their priorities, people, processes, and performance are all on track to make measurable progress.
They can see how their board work connects to what happens in the school and the real-life results their charter brings.
You can make a difference this year. And there’s a lot riding on whether or not you do.

Take the guesswork out of governance.
Am I Doing the Right Things, and Doing Them Well?
To be effective, each trustee needs to know what to do, when, and how.
You might find answers in conferences and consultants. But that’s not sustainable.
With BoardOnTrack, you solve this today and into the future.
Combining the knowledge of the nation’s leading charter governance expert with the power of an online platform that guides you and grows with you, your board not only learns what it takes to be effective, but how to evolve over time.
This is even bigger than doing the right things, the right way. It’s how you build a strong, sustainable board.
What are we really doing here?
Do More With Your Limited Time
Every minute of board work is extremely valuable. Because every board member is extremely valuable…and busy.
When everyone shows up prepared and ready to work, every meeting counts.
That takes trustees knowing what’s planned for the next meeting, what happened at the last one, and what resources to review in advance.
It’s every trustee knowing how success is to be measured this year — at the committee, board, and organizational levels.

How are we going to fill these seats?
Recruit Strategically
Trustee recruiting is a universal and constant concern for every board.
It’s hard enough just to keep track of whose terms end, when. BoardOnTrack does it for you.
Plus, it tracks the skillsets your trustees have and which are needed. It’s all in the first of its kind Members Report, a three-year board recruiting roadmap.
Recruit the right people. Build a deep bench. Stop feeling like you’re running to catch up with your recruiting needs. And never fear that you’re locked into your role forever.

Why aren’t our board members more engaged?
Repeatable Processes Remove Roadblocks
How much time do you waste at meetings, or in between meetings, figuring out who’s doing what, who’s got the minutes, or why half the board didn’t get the last email reminder?
To be fully utilized, your trustees need the administrative headaches out of the way.
From deciding what goes on the next agenda to publishing your agendas and minutes on time to be OML compliant, BoardOnTrack makes it easy to identify, follow, and improve the repeatable processes that keep your board work focused on the why.
Every board struggles with these things.
You don’t start out knowing which committees to form, how to evaluate your CEO, or how to know whether your board is any better this year than last year.
You might not know all the answers, or even all the questions.
Don’t rely on one-off consulting workshops. And don’t go it alone. BoardOnTrack is here to help.
Our platform guides you through what your board needs to do. It shows you how to do the right things well. And it presents you with a library of resources to boost your knowledge — and your confidence.
It’s the only scalable board management solution that strengthens your board today, and year over year going forward.