It is important to ensure that boards develop the appropriate processes to help schools keep
As a charter school raises the bar, the growing community demand — or your growing waitlist — means more and more kids count on you to create, launch, and sustain outstanding schools. They count on you to grow.
And growth — of one school or many — requires an evolution of how you lead and who you need to lead with you. Simply put, your growth depends on your ability to govern for growth.
Download our guide. Get the strategic questions you need to ask yourself and your governance team today.
“The executive leadership and the people who are on the board are really critical. Without that, you can get good, but you can’t get great.”
“While we started to open up new schools, we started to grow, the board was able to sustain itself and recruit its own members…The board chair was really thoughtful about a green-lighting process. So we were moving in the right direction.”