Free Board Training Email Courses

Get board training in your inbox, directly from the charter school governance experts at BoardOnTrack.

Provide your board with the training and professional development they need, in bite-sized pieces, that fits with their busy schedules.

Plan a Better Board Retreat

In less than seven days, learn how to run a results-driven board retreat.
Get actionable advice for planning your retreat agenda, hosting your retreat remotely, and even complying with open meeting law efficiently.

Recruit a Better Charter School Board

In less than seven days, go from reactive recruiting to strategically building your board.

Get the tactics & tools you need to recruit your ideal board members.

Plus…you’ll get immediate access to our complete collection of candidate interview questions.

Get Your Board On Track to Make an Impact

Guide your board to set goals and power your approach to achieve them.

Build board accountability with good governance process to track your progress throughout the year.

Get BoardOnTrack’s proven method to driving exceptional results with your board.

Put these lessons into practice.

See how BoardOnTrack helps charter school boards recruit strategically, build board accountability, and lead results-driven annual retreats.