Organizations that drive exceptional results for kids have exceptional boards. We’ve proven it.
But what’s an exceptional board? It can be hard to know for sure. Especially when most boards believe they’re pretty great.
Using data from hundreds of boards around the country, we’ve defined exactly what makes an exceptional board. In short, exceptional boards are built on the five Ps: Priorities, People, Process, Performance, and Progress.
And now, with the OnTrack score, every BoardOnTrack member has a system to identify where your board stands today — and what to do to improve.
Too many boards have felt starved for data proving how they’re doing.
Other tools have tried to address the question, “how are we really doing,” using self-reported assessments. Typically, these self-assessments are qualitative questions about how you feel vs. measuring true outcomes. That approach can only get you so far, especially when you’re only seeing the results of your own self-reported assessments.
The hundreds of boards nationwide using the BoardOnTrack platform have built up a rich well of data. They track and measure their activities, from meeting attendance to goal progress. With that data, we’ve proven what separates exceptional five-star boards from the rest. And with the OnTrack Score, you can put that data to work to empower your board to make better decisions — ultimately, to be a better board.
Five-Star Boards Run on the 5 Ps

Successful boards focus on Priorities, People, Process, Performance, and Progress — and improve on each area over time.
PRIORITIES: Defining and Aligning Your Focus
Have you decided what your board will focus on this year? Are your board and CEO aligned around those priorities? Have you set goals to ensure you measure your progress on your priorities?
PEOPLE: The Right People, In the Right Roles
Do you have the right people? Enough of them? Do you have the data to know if they’re the right people? Are the right people in the right roles, and do they know what to do?
PROCESS: Doing the Right Work, the Right Way
Are you running great meetings? Are you OML compliant? Is every trustee engaged in your board’s activities?
PERFORMANCE: Measuring Board and CEO performance
Did your board meet {or exceed} its goals for this year? What did your CEO evaluation uncover for you? Are you holding yourselves and each other accountable?
PROGRESS: How You’re Evolving as a Board
Are your capabilities maturing as the organization’s complexity increases? As your board evolves, you’ll move from being largely reactive to what’s happening to being highly strategic and forward-thinking — finding deeper ways to deliver on the mission.