We help charter school boards deliver exceptional results.

About BoardOnTrack

BoardOnTrack is the platform, partner, and community empowering charter boards and executive leaders to reach a higher bar, together.

We equip trustees with a powerful combination of data and proven practices to govern for growth, without drowning in the details that form the underpinnings of good governance.

And we enable executive leaders to leverage their boards as strategic governing partners without turning board management into {yet another} full-time job.

In short, BoardOnTrack simplifies board governance. We provide all that your board needs to help deliver on your charter promises, all in one place.

The only complete online platform for charter school boards, BoardOnTrack takes the guesswork out of governance.

Our built-in board and CEO evaluation tools, goal-setting dashboard, multi-year recruiting roadmap, intuitive meeting management, and all-in-one document storage help you to be a better board, a board that enables sustainable growth for exceptional results.

Headquartered in Massachusetts, BoardOnTrack has worked with more than 500 charter school and charter management organization boards nationwide.

We’re On A Mission To Help Public Charter Boards Like Yours. Let’s Talk About How.

The BoardOnTrack Story

The BoardOnTrack Story
BoardOnTrack was created by nationally-recognized charter board governance expert, Marci Cornell-Feist, to help transform the way charter boards work — and so transform the results they can bring to their kids.

Recognizing that consulting and training doesn’t build sustainability and can only help so many charter organizations, Marci sought a better way. A way to bring her years in the industry, and her experience helping hundreds of elite charter school boards navigate their way to success, to even more boards, in a more scalable way.

All of Marci’s extensive knowledge is baked into our ever-evolving platform. And, as we learn more from our members, we expand the tools and capabilities available through the platform, including virtual coaching to help boards become BoardSavvy™, our resources library, and training events.

This is bigger than one charter school board. This is transforming the way charter governance boards work, nationwide.

The BoardOnTrack Team

BoardOnTrack provides access to a powerful combination of proven processes, online tools, and expert guidance, to help your charter school board reach for a higher bar, year after year.

Our in-house governance experts and built-in processes offer guidance and support to ensure our members get the most out of their access to the BoardOnTrack platform. From the articles in our ever-growing knowledge resources library, to proactive coaching to help boards become BoardSavvy, to on-demand support, our experts are here to help. This is a partnership, after all.

Plus, BoardOnTrack membership connects you to a growing community of like-minded leaders. People who are where you are now, or have been there and navigated to the next stage, and are thrilled to learn with you or share what they know.

A Decade In The Making, And Here to Stay

We aren’t new to the world of charter board governance. We’ve been here since the start of the movement. And we aren’t a brand-new start-up that could simply disappear tomorrow.

With decades worth of data built through hundreds of charter organizations’ successes, we’ve built the most effective and proven methodology to empower charter schools and charter management organizations to achieve {or exceed} their goals and maximizing their trustees’ efforts.

Ready to learn more?

We regularly run live, 20-minute walkthroughs. We’d love to show you what BoardOnTrack membership could do for you.